Thursday, December 9, 2010

University of Georgia admits two African American Students

According to Mighier than the Sword, a federal court ruled that the University of Georgia had to admit African American students. This was the first time in the school's history that they admitted black students. The two students were Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter. Hunter will later make he rmark on journalism as Public Broadcasting Service correspondent Charlayne Hunter-Gault. The focus was on Hunter because she was a female and she had to stay on the college campus with the white students. Holmes on the other hand, stayed off the campus. The young eighteen year old Hunter was on television every night. Viewers seen footage of her looking towards the ground too afraid to look up and frightend by the angry crowd. According to Mightier than the Sword, one piece showed how the whie students taunted her. The film also showed how a white female student tossed a quarter at Hunter saying to her "here, nigger. Here's a quarter. Go change my sheets. Things only got worse for Hunter. In the book Mightier than the Sword, cameras focused on the hundreds of students who gathered outside of Hunter's dormitory, holding a banner scrawled with angry words, "Nigger go home!" More footage showed how the police broke up the crowd by using tear gas to secure Hunter from danger.

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