Thursday, December 9, 2010

Brown vs the Board of Education of Topeka

This Supreme Court case took place in 1954 during the Civil Rights Movement. This court case was recognized nation wide. Televisions broadcasting about the court case and caught footage of the young Elizabeth Eckford walking into school. many people were rude and obnoxious to the little girl screaming racial slurs and wanting her to be lynched. President Eisenhower had the National Guardsmen to escort the Little Rock Nine into the school. According to Mightier than the Sword, the next morning cameras were out front of the school and there were angry segregationist in front of the schools chanting: "Two-four-six-eight! We don't wanna integrate." The soldiers had to gather around the African American students to protect them all from danger. Each morning there was coverage of the students throughout the school year. Each morning nation wide they would see soldiers escorting the African American students into the school and protecting them.

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