Thursday, December 9, 2010

Chaptet 11: Pushing the Civil Rights Movement onto the national agenda

This chapter is focusing on the the Civil Rights Movement and how it became a national issue. During the movement The Supreme Court case Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka case was known about nation wide. This historic court case was televised on national television. The Civil Rights Movement also made headlines making it a good news story for television. Many issues revolving around the movement were televised and many people seen the news nation wide. According to Mightier than the Sword, segregationists realized that television was disrupting the system, and they began to view all reporters as enemies. When we speak about how Dan Rather that worked for CBS was searching for a motel to stay in when he was covering a story in Mississippi. He seen a sign that read in the window: "No dogs, niggers, or reporters allowed." This shows how the segregationist did not want nothing to do with any reporters and their stories covering the Civil Rights Movement.

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