Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Liberator: William Lloyd Garrison

The Liberator was a newspaper that Garrison edited for 35 years. Garrison seen how harsh slaves were treated and wanted to write about it. He experienced how they got treated by their owners. Garrison took Elijiah P. Lovejoy's murder and used it of "a representative of Justice, Liberty and Christianity." to condemn the U.S. as a nation "diseased beyond the power of recovery,"  swearing Lovejoy's murder served both his crusade against slavery and his defense of a free press according to Mightier Than The Sword. Garrison's writings were viewed worldwide because of him speaking out about the treatment of slaves. Of course this caught the eyes of  slave owners and others who was for slavery. Garrison's writings were also criticized by many. In 1835 a group of 100 men formed outside off a hall where Garrison was. When the mob found him they grabbed him and were preparing to lynch Garrison for what he said in the paper. He was also criticized because he was trying to express a free press. The mob was close to throwing Garrison out the window until he was saved by a group of supporters that rescued him from the angry mob.

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