Thursday, November 18, 2010

Chapter 7 : Defying the Ku Klux Klan summary and outline

In my second i am talking about the emergenge of the Ku Klux Klan why they have hatrid towards religion and race. Also i will discuss about how many newspapers will get their message out nationwide in an effort to stop their actions and behavior. The reason why I chose this chapter is because of the historic backround about this topic and how much i learned about the chapter that i did not know.  This chapter covers a lot on the history of the Ku Klux Klan and areas of history that i found interesting.

The original Ku Klux Klan members were former Confederate veterans. They did not want the former slaves to start their rights. But it was not just blacks that the klan disliked. They also disliked all catholics and Jews. From a racial and a religious stand point they hated all. The klan were violent people and destructive. They lynched African Americans and they burned down crosses from catholic churches. Some how people wanted to get the message out there to let people know about their violent behavior. The  three newspapers that critizied the klan were the Commercial Appeal, New York World and the Montgomery Advertiser. These three newspapers critizied the klan by saying how they were a finacial scam. They all won the Pulitzer Prize for their work on the klan which is an "American journalism's highest honor." according to Mightier than the sword. The illustrations in the Commercial Appeal showed how the klan disliked everybody. Even the veterans from World War 1. Because they had catholic beliefs the klan disliked them all.

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